Guila Muir

Developing trainers, presenters and facilitators to make a difference

Articles Tagged ‘Adult Education’

3 Ways to Involve Participants from the “Get-Go”!

What’s the best way to assure your training participants to “turn off” the first second you open your mouth? Just follow conventional wisdom and open your session by introducing yourself and providing your credentials. Instead, generate curiosity, interest and motivation from the outset. Use a “Hook” before introducing yourself. Three Ideas for Engaging Hooks Quickie …
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Great Presenting: Enthusiasm or Entertainment?

Should trainers and presenters strive to be more entertaining? It depends on what drives you. Enthusiasm or Entertainment? Enthusiasm is about expressing your passion for the subject. You ignite participants through showing your own zest. You may even experiment by doing things outside of your comfort zone in order to pass on your excitement. Entertainment …
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When YOU are the Bored Trainer (or Presenter!)

We’ve all had bored trainers and presenters. They lack passion, energy and spark. But what happens when YOU deliver the same material over and over and over again? How do you keep it fresh? 5 Tips That Refresh 1. Remember the “Turf” That Comes With Being a Professional Whether you are an athlete, an actor, …
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Enthusiasm in Training

As a trainer or presenter, enthusiasm goes a long way in making you the best you can be. As your joy excites your participants, their energy rises to meet yours. People feel good. Work gets done. But what if your enthusiasm has taken a hit? How can you regain a sense of joy while giving …
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The Myth of the Facilitator

Here’s a pet peeve of mine: Adult educators who call themselves “Facilitators”…and then go on to give a traditional, one-sided, PowerPoint-heavy training session. I estimate that 87.5% of trainers who call themselves “facilitators” are lying. Why? Because they model few skills of facilitation. Well Then, What is a Facilitator? A facilitator is content-neutral. Because of …
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Not Just Your Grandmother’s Pun!

My grandma was “word-clever” almost until the day she died. I especially remember her corny puns and plays on words, which made me both laugh and groan. Researchers Alan Seidman, of Johnson and Wales University, and Stephen C. Brown, of the University of Alaska, say “Puns are a humorous way to get adult learners to …
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When a Trainer is a Presenter: Five Top Platform Skills

Great trainers must be great presenters as well. I believe that participants learn most from highly active classes that imbed great design and content. However, I also know that the trainer’s presentation skills can help or hinder learning. What are Platform Skills? Platform skills are presentation behaviors that a trainer uses to transmit content effectively. …
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How To Build “Home-Grown” Trainers

Have you ever wished you could reduce your organization’s dependence on outside trainers? How about developing your own workshops? Join the ranks of organizations that have benefited from developing their internal resources, saved money, and improved the relevance and quality of their training! What’s Not Working Over the last few years, I’ve worked with dozens …
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Electronic Devices in the Classroom

by Guila Muir I stood over the two participants, saying loudly, “No! No! No!” At first, they were so immersed in their screens that they didn’t even know I was there. As they returned to the present world, their faces changed from screen-fascination to shock. What was I doing, looming above them, looking so …
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How a Hook Can Save Your Presentation

by Guila Muir I have discovered that my clients all love a good hook, and are always looking for new ones. Let’s review what a Hook is and isn’t. Then I’ll provide two dynamic Hooks for you to use in your next presentation or training session. What a Hook ISN’T: Fluff. Never make the …
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5 Ways to Energize Your Presentations

What’s the difference between presenting and training? Presentations are typically delivered one way, from speaker to audience. Great training sessions, on the other hand, are interactive. To spruce up your presentations, try injecting these five techniques borrowed from active training: 5 Ways to Enliven Your Presentations Preface your presentation by briefly stating a relevant problem. …
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Are You a Super-Trainer?

Assess Yourself and See! What attributes do all super trainers share, no matter how different their styles? Rate yourself from 1 (I’m not so great at this) to 3 (I do this every time!) on the guidelines below. Then read the strategies, which will transform YOU into a Super Trainer. Three Essen­tial Attrib­utes of Super …
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Sharpen Your Training Brain

by Guila Muir As a trainer, do you struggle mentally as you develop a new course? Are you ever “stuck” when you try to think of ways to improve your class? There is a scientifically sound way to boost your brain power, pick up your energy, and improve your focus as a trainer. Although …
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Presentation Skills: How to Prevent “Drowning”

by Guila Muir These skills will keep you afloat. There are many parallels between swimming in open water (the English call it “wild swimming”) and giving a great presentation. These skills will keep you afloat, no matter how choppy the water. 1. Be totally present. When I swim, my focus is completely on what …
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3 Tips to Deal With Audiences from Hell

by Guila Muir Resis­tant dynam­ics can be found in any audi­ence. Here are three essen­tial tech­niques to stay sane as a presenter. 1. Check Your­self. Ask your­self: What am I feel­ing about this audi­ence? Why? What’s the worst that could hap­pen? Pre­pare your­self emo­tion­ally and phys­i­cally. Make sure you’ve had enough to eat, and …
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