Guila Muir

Developing trainers, presenters and facilitators to make a difference

Articles Tagged ‘Adult Education’

Avoid Audience Overload: Less is More

Pic­ture it: You’re a stu­dent in a class­room. The instruc­tor is throw­ing out fact after fact. At first, you lis­ten intently, try­ing to grasp every­thing that’s going on. After about 15 min­utes, your atten­tion drifts.  After try­ing to focus a few more times, you feel so over­whelmed (and pos­si­bly irri­tated and bored) that you just …
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What Separates Great Trainers From the Merely “OK?”

Many training participants would respond, “Great trainers make the learning easy and fun.” If probed further, they might mention the use of engaging training activities, or the trainer’s personal style. But most won’t be able to identify an important action that differentiates expert trainers. This action is subtle and powerful. It helps lubricate the session …
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A “Train the Trainer” Tip: Start Your Sessions With a Bang

by Guila Muir What’s the best way to assure your training participants groan inwardly and “turn off” when you first open your mouth? Simply by doing what you’ve always been told: By introducing yourself and providing your credentials. Why not generate your audience’s curiosity, interest, and investment from the outset? Use a “Hook” before …
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When Leaders Train: How to Avoid the Pitfalls

by Guila Muir Why don’t all leaders make great trainers? Perhaps it’s because they believe that training falls outside their (already large) job descriptions. As a result, leaders often strive to “cover the material” in order to get on with business. Yet the ability to facilitate learning, not just to cover the material, is …
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